Toda ciencia es predictiva, la astrología tambien lo es
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Astrología culta y erudita
Considerations fue una revista astrológica de circulación internacional que se publicó en USA entre 1983 y 2006. Luego de cerrada los editores (en un gesto realmente generoso) digitalizaron todos los números y están disponibles en la red de forma gratuita desde el 2009. En su momento descargué toda la colección y ahora la incluyo en esta nota. Aunque el que las revistas estén en inglés es siempre una dificultad para quienes somos principalmente hispanoparlantes, me pareció que de todas maneras valía la pena compartir este contenido con amigos, colegas y estudiantes avanzados de astrología. En lo personal no me manejo demasiado bien con el inglés, pero con algo de paciencia y un diccionario en línea he encontrado muchos datos valiosos que han alimentado más de una reflexión y me han ayudado a ampliar horizontes. Por supuesto que hay de todo y no todo es oro, pero en verdad hay artículos muy buenos. Al final de la lista de enlaces encontrarán la lista de autores con sus correspondientes artículos y su ubicación en la revista por volumen y número. Espero que se animen a explorar el contenido y tal vez podamos usar la sección de comentarios para compartir aquello que nos parezca interesante. Un saludo y gracias por pasar por aquí.
Eduardo Castellanos
Armistead, Julian
- Reality Counts XI: 3
Arner, David
- Music & the Language of Time XIV: 2
Arnold, Angela
- Reinterpreting the Zodiac XI: 4
- The Good, the Bad, and… Whose Fault is it Anyway? XII: 2
Arroyo, Stephen
- Factors Toning Each Planetary Principle VI: 1
Baker, Ruth
- Two Horaries XIII: 4
- Will We Get the Deposit Back? XIV: 1
- Will Anne Come to Dinner? XIV: 2
- Where are my Glasses? XIV: 3
- Will I Get Another Student? XIV: 4
- Where are my Casorti Exercises? XV: 1
- Shall I Sell my Italian Violin? XV: 2
- Will I Receive the Fee from my Client? XV: 3
- Will I Hear About My Job Soon? XV: 4
- Will Mr. S. Receive his Check? XVI: 1
- Where is my Orchestra Music? XVI: 2
- When Will My Friend Come Home? XVI: 3
- Will Muriel like Her Present? XVI: 4
- Where is my Comb? XVII: 1
- Will Mrs. S. Pay Her Bill Tonight? XVII: 2
- Will the Dealer Get Me the Books I Need? XVII: 3
- What Will be the Outcome of the Complaints? XVII: 4
- Will Sophie go to France next week? XVIII: 1
- Will I Visit Robert on Monday? XVIII: 2
- Is this Relationship Likely to Survive? XVIII: 3
- Will I Get a Letter from Sophie? XVIII: 4
- Will I be able to Join the Society? XIX: 1
- Will My Sprained Hand Ever Get Better? XIX: 2
- What Time Will the Men Come? XIX: 3
- Will She Play at the Concert? XIX: 4
- Will They Clear the Drive Before Christmas? XX: 1
- To Judge or Not to Judge XX: 2
- Where are My Large Scissors? XX: 3
- When Will I Get My Pashminas? XX: 4
- Where is my Pirates of the Caribbean CD> XXI: 1
Barbault, André
- The Astrology of Napoleon XX: 4
Barclay, Olivia
- The Need for Traditional Astrology XII: 3
- Where is Ann Lock? XIII: 3
- Which House Rules Cars? XV: 1
- A Guide to Horary & More for Contemporary Astrologers XV: 2
- A Guide to Horary & More for Contemporary Astrologers, part 2 XV: 3
- Evaluating a Planet’s Strength XV: 4
- A Guide to Horary & More for Contemporary Astrologers, part 3 XVI: 1
- A Guide to Horary & More for Contemporary Astrologers, part 4 XVI: 2
- The Battle: Memoirs of a Horary Astrologer XVI: 3
- A Guide to Horary & More, part 6 XVI: 4
Bériault, Marc
- Dark Moon, The XII: 2
Best, Helen
- The IRA Bombing that Broke the Cease-Fire XIII: 1
- Transits, Heresy & some Right Royal Predictions XIV: 3
- The Superlative Jupiter XV: 4
Bilucaglia, Rita
- Beyond the Horizon VII: 1
Blake, Steve
- Local Space Charts: Verifying Reagan’s Time of Birth V: 1
- The Neptune-Pluto Septiles XVII: 1
Blaschke, Robert P.
- An Immediate Response to the Terrorist Attack XVI: 4
Blumberg, Leda
- Predictive Astrology: Helpful or Harmful? XX: 3
Bogart, Greg
- Mircea Eliade: The First 26 Years VIII: 3
- Neptune & Pluto: Transpersonal Stages of Development XVI: 3
Bordoni, Grazia
- Beyond the Horizon VII: 1
- Point of Thales, The VIII: 1
- Old Age XIV: 4
- Schoolmates XVII: 3
Borkowski, Don & George
- Up From Disability: John Callahan, Cartoonist & Quadriplegic XVIII: 2
Brady, Bernadette
- Graphic Rectification IX: 4
Braun, Walter
- The Invisible Body XX: 1
Brose, Dymock
- Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis IX: 4
- The Schapelle Corby Verdict XX: 3
Buchwald, Nicki
- My First Astrological Client II: 1
- Charts of Infants III: 4
Buford, William
- Primary Factor Analysis & World Class Baseball IX: 3
Byrnes, Ronald Laurence
- The Astrological Symbolism of the Great Pyramid XX: 1
Castille, Didier
- The Astrology Heredity Research Project XVII: 3
Caton, Gary P.
- Avian Flu Pandemic: Paranoia or Possibility? XXI: 1
Caufman, Caroline
- The Natal Chart: A Diagram of the Brain IV: 1
- Childhood Schizophrenia IV: 3
- Love Is VI: 1
- Winning at the Casino VII: 4
Chaney, W. H.
- The Horoscope of W. H. Chaney I: 3
Christino, Karen
- Evangeline Adams: Closet Determinist? XI: 3
- The Secret of the Incas XII: 2
- Objections to Astrology XIII: 3
- Al Morrison’s Aphorisms XIII: 4
- Three Horaries XV: 1
- Evangeline Adams & the Airwaves XVI: 4
- Positively Horary XVII: 4
- Evangeline Adams’ Astrological Techniques XIX: 3
Cilliers, Anne L.
- C. G. Jung Seen in the Mirror of His Birth Chart II: 1
Condon, John
- Neptune XX: 4
Coover, Shirley
- Ronald Reagan is a Sagittarius XI: 1
Cortés, Angeles Rocamora
- Patrice Guinard Interview XVIII: 4
Cozzi, Steve
- The Local Space of Carlos Castaneda VI: 1
Cunningham, Diana
- The Moon’s Cycles & Phases VI: 2
- Saturn & Fears VI: 3
- Saturn & Depression VII: 1
- Dealing with Clients in Crisis VII: 3
Dam, Paul Mahler
- The Enlightened Middle Ages of Astrology XV: 1
- Pluto: Refocusing on Life’s Values XV: 4
Davis, T. Patrick
- A New Look at an Old Devil V: 2
Dearborn, Ed
- The Ramifications of the Quincunx XVIII: 2
Devine, Carole
- Who’s Who in the ’96 Presidential Election XI: 2
Dorotheus of Sidon
- Buying & Selling IX: 1
Edlin, Graham
- The Astrology of Garden Plants XIII: 2
Elwell, Dennis
- Thoughts on the Dunblane Massacre XI: 3
Ely, Larry
- Minos Ephemeris, 1900-2005 XI: 1
Epstein, Myra
- Moon-Mercury Aspects & Human Intelligence IX: 3
- Farewell to Pluto in Scorpio XIV: 4
Erlewine, Michael
- Chart Interpretation I: 3
- Charles Jayne: Tribute III: 2
Estadella, Juan
- Charts of Business Companies XIV: 2
- The Mundane Aspects XV: 3
Evans, Nick
- The Origin of the Aspects XII: 3
Fearrington, Basil
- The Oklahoma Bombing X: 3
Feik, Robert
- A Horse Dream XVI: 2
- Two Dreams of Imprisonment XVII: 1
- Astrology & Statistics XVII: 4
Frank, Dennis
- The Law of the Whole VII: 3
Frawley, John
- The Planets & Their Essences XVII: 1
- The Houses XIX: 3
- The 2nd & 3rd Houses XIX: 4
- More on the Houses: 4th, 5th & 6th. XX: 1
- The Seventh House XX: 2
- The Eighth House XX: 3
- The Ninth House XX: 4
- The Three South-Eastern Houses XXI: 1
Gassmann, Paula
- A Double-Dose Theory of the Outer Planets XX: 1
Gauquelin, Michel
- Planetary Types VI: 1
Gill, Catherine
- Zodiac of Trees VIII: 3
- Progressed National Charts XI: 2
Gillespie, Frank
- Astrology versus Science III: 3
Gillman, Kennet
- Gandhi & the Septenary I:1, VIII:4
- Half-past Autumn I: 1
- Gandhi & the Septenary, part 2 I: 2, IX: 1
- Splitting the Septenary I: 3
- Summer is I-comen In I: 3
- Understanding the Centaur I: 4
- Backing up Bach I: 4 Rectification of an Unknown Birth Time using the Septenary II: 2
- Some Thoughts on the Rajneesh Horoscope II: 2
- Stirrings Within the Cauldron II: 4
- Is All Contained within the Natal Horoscope? III: 1
- Sir Laurence Olivier’s Septenary & Decennium IV: 1
- An Alternative Gorbachev Chart V: 2
- Primary Progressions? V: 3
- Gautuma the Buddha VI: 2
- Admissions to an Intensive Care Unit VI: 3
- Identifying Election Winners VII: 1
- Close, but No Cigar VII: 2
- Fourteen Ninety-Two VII: 3
- Margaret Spevick & an Ancient Alphridary IX: 2
- Playing with the LSRev X: 1
- Richard Nixon’s Life Span Revolution X: 4
- The Lagna Chon System XI: 1
- Stations of the Moon XI: 2
- Twelve Gods & Seven Planets XI: 4
- The Empress of Ireland XII: 1
- Robert Graves XII: 2
- The Death of Diana, Princess of Wales XII: 4
- What Happened When? XII: 4
- Who Will Survive? XIII: 1
- Shootings in Eleven Schools XIII: 2
- Jiddu Krishnamurti XIII: 3
- The Humiliation of President Clinton XIII: 4
- We Live in Interesting Times XIV: 1
- Primary Direction Definitions XIV: 1
- Why Serbia? XIV: 4
- Stephen King XIV: 3
- The Intersection of Ecliptic & Galactic Equator XIV: 3
- The Battle of Pydna XIV: 3
- t & i attend Columbine High XIV: 3
- Ronald Reagan & Martin Luther King XV: 1
- Rome: The Eternal City XV: 2
- Charles Harvey XV: 2
- Some Thoughts on Jupiter conjunct Saturn XV: 3
- Marriage Elections: Comparing Different Rules XV: 3
- Comments on Kepler’s Time Periods XV: 4
- Ypres, Dunblane & the Star of Bethlehem XVI: 1
- Montezuma & the Venus Transit XVI: 2
- Hiroshima XVI: 3
- Nine One One XVI: 4
- Osama Bin Laden XVI: 4
- The Johnstown Flood & the Elusive Crescent Moon XVII: 2
- The Prophet Muhammad & Islam XVII: 3
- Soccer’s World Cup Final XVII: 4
- Adolf Hitler & the Life Span Revolution XVIII: 1 Baghdad XVIII: 2
- Isaac Newton & the Septenary XVIII: 2
- Isaac Newton & the Septenary. Part 2 XVIII: 3
- Time Twins XVIII: 4
- More Time Twins XIX: 1
- Predicting the Dow XIX: 2
- An Effective Epoch XIX: 2
- Jean-Baptiste Morin de Villefranche XIX: 4
- Ingresses & Regicides XIX: 4
- Tsunami XX: 1
- The Trial of Michael Jackson XX: 2
- The Qualities: Astrology’s DNA XX: 2
- The Qualities & the Temperament XX: 3
- Bombs & Floods XX: 4
- Modifying the Sun in the Southern Hemisphere XXI: 1
Girard, Nicole
- Diana & the Black Moon XII: 4
- Notes on the WTC Attack XVI: 4
- Eclipses & Earthquakes XVII: 1
- Further Research on the Influence of Solar Eclipses XVII: 3
- The Iraq War & the August 1999 Eclipse XVIII: 2
- The Arrest of Saddam Hussein XIX: 1
- Solar Eclipses & Major Earthquakes in 2003 XIX: 2
- Earthquake & Tsunami in Indonesia & the Gulf of Bengal XX: 3
- Earthquakes Usually Accompany Solar Eclipses XXI: 1
Godbout, Vincent
- “Auditory” & “Visual” Types in the Horoscope IV: 3
Goodale, Irene E.
- Mars, Neptune & the Caribou II: 1
- The Celestial Dragon II: 2
- The Work of Hermes II: 3
- Requiem: My Summit III: 2
- Juno & the Paycock V: 1
- Kyrie Eleison V: 3
- Vesta & Her Sanctuary VI: 1
- Attack on America XVI: 4
Graves, Robert
- How is Your Trade, Aquarius? VII: 1
Gray, Shirley
- What’s Wrong with my Car? Why Won’t it Start? XXI: 1
Grendahl, Spencer
- Two Wrongs Make a Riot VII: 3
- The Challenge of Twins VIII: 3
Gross Jr, John W.
- Neptune & the South Sea Bubble XIX: 1
Guinard, Patrice
- History of Eight Houses XV: 3
- Astrology: The Manifesto XVI: 1
- Astrology: The Manifesto, part 2 XVI: 2
- Astrology: The Manifesto, part 3 XVI: 3
- Astrology: The Manifesto, part 4 XVII: 1
- Astrology: The Manifesto, part 5 XVII: 2
- Astrology: The Manifesto, part 6 XVII: 3
- Astrology: The Manifesto, part 7 XVII: 4
- Avatars of the Zodiac XVIII: 2
Guldner, Fritz H.
- Age Progression & Cosmobiology: The Life Clock Re-examined XIII: 4
Hall, Judy
- Karmic Astrology VIII: 2
- Karmic Purpose: The Moon’s Nodes VIII: 3
- The Horoscope & David Icke IX: 1
- Karmic Connections IX: 3
Hand, Robert
- Charles Jayne: Tribute III: 2
Hansen, Bill
- The Business Cycle II: 3
- Heliacal Rising: Good or Evil? VIII: 2
Hardy, Thomas
- No Moon, No Man XVII: 3
Harvey, F. Axel
- Fire Over the Skies I: 1
- Horoscopes in Azimuth I: 1, XI: 4
- From Goat to Fish I: 2
- Man to Man I: 2
- Lucky Strikes I: 3
- Placidus the Impossible I: 4
- Decline of Die Deutsche I: 4
- Three Men & Their Boats I: 4
- Letter to a Scientist II: 1
- To Madness Near Alli’d II: 1
- A Telephone on the Ankle II: 2
- Primary Directions in Azimuth II: 3
- Slowly Hasten II: 4
- Planetary Concentration II: 4
- Blood All Over the Place: Mars & Neptune III: 1
- What Astrologers Can Learn from Midwives III: 3
- Data Report: Important Places, the Columbus Landfall & Others IV: 1
- Peak Lunations IV: 1
- Data Report: Tycho Rectified by Tycho IV: 3
- Michel Gauquelin VI: 3
- Lines of Power & Beauty: Jupiter & Uranus V: 1
- The Columbus Landfall VII: 3
- Important Places X: 4
- Moments Historical & Astrological XI: 3
- Charybdis or the Synastry from Hell XII: 2
- The Balkans, Heliocentrics & the Julian Calendar XIV: 2
- Alexander Marr XV: 2
- Time & the Law XX: 2
- The London Bombs & Azimuth Astrology XXI: 1
Harvey, Ross
- The Life Span Revolution VII: 2
- The Search for the Unknown Birthtime VII: 4
- The Life Span Revolution Simplified VIII: 1
- Two Cases of Rectification IX: 1
- Ronald Reagan’s Real Radix? IX: 4
- Ronald Reagan’s Birthtime X: 3
Haynes, Jim
- Events on the East Point I: 4
- The Geodetic Equivalents & Earthquakes VI: 2
- Two Disasters & a Miracle VII: 4
- The Power of the Lunar Ingress XIV: 3
- Solstice Points & the Palomar Hotel Fire XVII: 4
Heaton, Gary
- O. J. Simpson: A Study on Astro-Criminology X: 2 Holtz, Nancy Ann Three Studies in Tragic Death XVIII: 2
Howson, Elva
- A Close Look at Tertiary Progressions XI: 4
Huang, Cheng-yi
- Mikhail S. Gorbachev (a Speculative Chart) V: 2
- Progressed Lunations: A Key to Destiny VI: 1
- Progressed Lunations. Part 2 VII: 1
- Progressed Lunations: A Key to Destiny Part 3 VIII: 2
- O. J. Simpson’s Aquittal XI: 1
- What Happened? XII: 1
- Polaris for Windows XII: 2
- Jupiter in Mundane Astrology XX: 1
Hughes, Dorothy B.
- Seattle: An Astrological Portrait of the City III: 4
Hughey, Kay
- Venus & the Art of Marriage I: 3
- Pilot Murdered by Wife’s Lover II: 1
Jakubowsky, Frank
- Days of the Week IX: 4
- The Planets in a Universal Mind Pattern X: 1
- Rectifying Fidel Castro’s Chart X: 3
Jayne, Charles A.
- The Great Mutation Cycle I: 3
- Uranus-Neptune I: The Chaldean Sar & What It Brings II: 1, IX: 1
- Uranus-Neptune II: New Light on the Zodiac & Precessional Age II: 2, IX: 1
- The Cycle of Civilization, Part 1: The Planet Lion II: 3
- The Cycle of Civilization, Part 2: The Planet Pluto II: 4
- Locality Astrology XIX: 1
Jenkins, Palden
- Astrological Cycles in History XXI: 1
Kendal, Shelagh
- A Royal Rebellion XII: 3
- NASA Reviewed XIII: 4
- A Third Civil War XIII: 4
- Millennium XIV: 1
- A Saturn-Pluto Affair XIV: 2
- The Spiritual State of a Nation XV: 1
- Examining the Entrails XV: 4
- A Tale of Two Countries XVI: 4
- Three Spring Full Moons XIX: 2
Koch, Beth
Planets Side by Side: Parallels of Declination vs Conjunctions II: 3
Kokubu, Hideaki Shuseh
- Japan—the Nation of the Rising Moon XII: 4
- Onmyoji: Astrologers to the Emperor XIII: 1
- Four Horary Examples XIII: 4
- Directions in Astrology XV: 1
- A Job Question XVIII: 4
Kolev, Rumen
- Orbs of Primary Directions XIII: 4
- William Lilly & His Method of Primary Directions XIV: 1
- William Lilly & the Algorithm for his Primary Directions XIV: 2
- The Essence of Babylonian Astrology XV: 2
- Astrological Prognosis in Babylon XV: 2
- Robert Zoller & the Alchabitius Primary Direction Method XVIII: 3
- Mercury’s Heliacal Rising in Early September XX: 1
Koval, Barbara
- Venus Amok II: 1
- The Ends of Millennia II: 3 Palpable Differences II: 4
- Moon in Scorpio square Pluto III: 1
- The Re-Roaring Twenties III: 3
- Take Me Out to the Ball Game IV: 1
- Let’s Be Real IV: 2
- Behind the Fugitive V: 1
- Money: How It Grows & Flows V: 2
- The Corporation VI: 1, XIV: 2
- The Corporation, part 2: Houses VI: 2
- The Corporation, part 3: The Corporate Work Force VI: 3
- Fine Distinctions VII: 1
- A Mother’s Murder VIII: 1
- Rectification of the U. S. Chart: the Case for c Rising VIII: 4
- Rectification of the U. S. Chart: by Numbers IX: 1
- Rectification of the U. S. Chart: the Degree Areas IX: 2
- Rectification = Precision + Hard Work X: 4
- Courting Justice XVIII: 1
- The Astrology of the Aquarian Age XVIII: 3
- Pilgrims’ Progress XVIII: 4
- Fate & Fixed Stars XIX: 1
- The Logic of the Zodiac XX: 1
Krengel, Elaine
- Where is the Amethyst Pendant? XV: 2
- Do I Have New E-Mail? XVII: 1
- Where is Jason? XVII: 2
- Will War Emblem Win the Belmont Stakes? XVII: 3
- Was My Offer Accepted? XVIII: 3
Landscheidt, Theodore
- The Golden Section: a Cosmic Principle X:1, XX:2
- Theory & Practice of Geocentric Planetary Nodes X:4, XVI:2
Lathrop, Anne
- Women’s Work VI: 3
- Mars-Saturn, the Cycle of Love VII: 2
Laun, Lianella Livaldi
- The Ruler of the Descendant XIV: 1
Lawrence, Marilynn
- The JFK Jr Tragedy XIV: 4
Lipson, Martin
- The Westray Mining Disaster XVIII: 1
- The Ryongchon Train Explosion XX: 1
Makransky, M. J. (Bob)
- The Part of Fortune VI: 2
- Dr Jones’ Methodology VI: 3, XVIII: 3
- A Touch of Distinctiveness, part 1 VII: 1
- A Touch of Distinctiveness, part 2 VII: 2
- The Solitary Wanderer VII: 3
- The Hell-Bent-for-Leather Syndrome VII: 4
- The Mirror of Your Feelings VIII: 1
- The Karmic Lesson of the Moon’s Nodes VIII: 3
- Planets Conjunct the Moon’s Nodes VIII: 4
- Astrolocality Mapping IX: 1
- Saturn Return Readings X: 1
- The Mantel XIV: 1 Venus conjunct Sun in the Horoscope of Che Guevara XVI: 1
- Of War XVII: 4
- Summary of Marc Edmund Jones’ Techniques XVIII: 2
- The Natural Disposition XVIII: 4
- The Slave of Duty XX: 1
- On the Domification Problem XXI: 1
Malsin, Peter
- Old Rulerships in a New World XVI: 4
- North Node Conjunctions & the Axis of Power XVII: 2
Manuel, Susan L.
- Trouble-Shooter IV: 2
Mantel, Arie J.
- Exact Astrology: The True Zodiacal Positions VIII: 3
- Exact Astrology: Predictions VIII: 4
- Stellar Dynamics X: 2
Marcato, Raphael
- Primary Factor Analysis & World Class Baseball IX: 3
Markoe, Gerald Jay
- The Musical Correlations of a Natal Chart XX: 3
Marr, Alexander
- Mondale’s Presidential Prospects I: 4
- Advanced Rectification of Birth Charts & Prenatal Epochs: 1 II: 1
- Advanced Rectification of Birth Charts & Prenatal Epochs: 2 II: 2
- Advanced Rectification of Birth Charts & Prenatal Epochs: 3 II: 4
- Advanced Rectification of Birth Charts & Prenatal Epochs: 4 III: 1
- The New Partnership Horoscope III: 3
- Dual Test & Identical Twins III: 4
- The Primary Lunar Horoscope IV: 1
- Sir Winston Churchill, part 1 IV: 2
- Sir Winston Churchill, part 2 IV: 3
- Prince Charles’ Ski Accident V: 2
- Boris Becker V: 3
- Three Devastating Earthquakes under Similar Astrological Auspices VI: 2
- Hitler’s Attack on Russia VI: 3
- The Superiority of the Tropical Zodiac VII: 2
- Hitler’s Attack on Russia XVIII: 1
- Jean-Baptiste Morin’s Theories XIX: 4
Martini, Mirielle
- The Astrology Heredity Research Project XVII: 3
Masters, Walt
- A New Look at Some Arabian Parts XII: 1
- A Princess & a General XX: 2
Mazurek, John
- The Sixth Degree I: 4
McCann, Maurice
- What Good is the Horoscope? XI: 1
- The Origin of the Aspects XII: 3
- Alan Leo & the Orbs of Aspects XIII: 4
Mendes, Carlota Machado
- When Will I Fall in Love Again? XVI: 1
- Primary Directions Applied to Horary Charts XVI: 3
Meredith, Neal
- The True Will? XIV: 2
Meridian, Bill
- Charles Jayne: Tribute III: 2
- Inflation vs. Deflation: the Reverse Tootsie-Roll Effect V: 1
- IBM X: 3
- Planetary Stock Selection X: 4
- Industry Forecasts XIII: 2
- More Industry Forecasts XIV: 2 The Mars-Vesta Cycle in U. S. Stock Prices XV: 3
- Semiconductor Stocks & Uranus Stations XVI: 2
- Planetary Natal Support & Resistance Lines XVII: 2
- The Inflation of the War of 1812 XIX: 4
- The Next China-Taiwan Crisis, 2009-2012 XX: 3
Merriman, Ray A.
- Astrology & Market Timing IX: 4
- The “Venus Effect” in the Japanese Nikkei Stock Market Index XII: 4
Millard, Margaret
- Rectification by Primary Directions in the Topocentric I: 3
- Remember the Knitting Needle IV: 1
- Local Space Charts: Verifying Reagan’s Time of Birth V: 1
- Bronwyn VI: 1
- The Death Chart VII:3, XX:3
- The Moon & Childbirth IX:3, XIX:2
- Predicting a Birth XII:1, XIX:2
- A Possible Case of Reincarnation of a Tibetan Tulku XIII: 3
- Time is a Very Strange Thing XIV: 3
Mirti, Grazia
- The Seven Princesses XII: 1
- The Power of the Image in Astrology XV: 4
- Transiting Lilith XVI: 1
- Interpreting the Stellium XVI: 4
Mixa, Jaroslav
- How a Young Astrologer Foretold the Birth of his First Child XIII: 1
- The Balance Law XIV: 3
Mull, Carol S.
- The New York Stock Exchange Chart X: 2
Mullette, Julie
- Déjà vu: Neptune’s in Capricorn II: 2
- Philosophical Implications for Astrology X: 3
Munkasey, Michael
- The Tense Persian Gulf & the MVA VII: 3
Murray, Jessica
- Mars in Transit: Beware of What You Want XXI: 1
Negus, Ken
- Aquarian Music VII: 1
- The Well of Wisdom VII: 2
- The Five VII: 3
- Evening VIII: 1
- Seven Unrhymed Sonnets VIII: 2
- Kepler as Practicing Astrologer XV: 4
Nègre, Alain
- Science & Astrology: Another Perspective VIII: 2
- In Search of Time IX: 3
- A Trans-disciplinary Approach to Science & Astrology XIII: 2
Newman, Paul F.
- Diana: Britain Mourns its Outlawed Moon XII: 4
- Mutable Waves XV: 4
Nicholls, Jack W. P.
- A Rectification Technique VII: 1 & 4
- A Time to be Born VII: 3
- The Search for the Unknown Birthtime VII: 4
- The Life Span Revolution Revisited VIII: 1
- Transits, Eclipses & the Birthtime of Queen Elizabeth II VIII: 2
- Two Cases of Rectification IX: 1
- One Man’s View X: 1
- What Constitutes an Astrologer XI: 1
- A Close Look at Tertiary Progressions XI: 4
- A Rectification Aid XII: 1 Noonan, George C. The Astrology of the Fixed Stars & Comets II: 3
- Astrology Applied to Military Operations Research III: 2
- Ancient Astrology: The Key to Modern Delineation IX: 2
O’Dhaniel, Noah
- Henge I: 1
- Earth Mysteries I: 2
- Heads or Tails I: 4
- The Frustration of Edward III: 2
Okin, Brita
- Considerations before Judgment XIII: 1
- Speculation Horaries XIII: 2
Ouimet, Alan J.
- Kenneth Starr: Inspector Javet or Don Quixote? XIV: 1
Paone, Ken
- April in Paris & Elsewhere XIX: 1
- Astrology, Prophecy & the Mysterious Future XIX: 3
Parente, Michael
- Memory VI: 2
- Suffering Doesn’t Have to Happen VI: 3
- About Time VII: 4
- Free Will? Free Will! VIII: 3
Parkinson, Russell
- When Will the Curtains Arrive? XIII: 4
Patterson, Andrew
- Why is Astrology so hard to Learn? VI: 3
- Towards a Better Astrology VII: 1
- Putting it Together by Taking it Apart IX: 1
- Can the Horoscope Predict Events? XIII: 2
- Styles of Chart Interpretation XIV: 3
- Teaching the Essence of Person-Centered Astrology XV: 1
Payne, Beryl
- Is the Sun a Conscious Being? II: 2
Pearl, Jonathan
- Earthquake Alert for San Francisco XIX: 2
Pelland, Camille
- Are Astrological Characters Egyptian? I: 1, XI: 3
- Aesthetics II: 1
- How Odd the Yod II: 4
- The Fourth Lowell III: 4
Perry, Glenn
- An Hierarchical Model of the Psyche IX: 3
Piechota, Martin
- Voices XVII: 1
- May 5, 2000 XVII: 4
- Astrology & Quantum Physics XIX: 1
- Lunar Phases & Solar Flares XIX: 2
- Taurus: the Sun Sign XIX: 4
Ramakrishnan, R.
- The Astrology Heredity Research Project XVII: 3
Paone, Ken
- The Making of a Storm XVIII: 4
Royal F. Potter
- Life Among the Spheres II: 1
- In the Golden Spires of the Sun II: 2
Poulin, Maurice
- Stellar Astrology & the Nostradamus Code I: 2
- Hitler & Nazism in the Light of Stellar Astrology I: 4
- Nostradamus & Stellar Astrology: the Near Future III: 3
- The Rising Sun-Pluto Paran IV: 2
- Decoding Nostradamus XIV: 4
Powers, Valli
- Using the Natal Chart in Horary & Electional Astrology VI: 2
Price, L. P.
- Biorhythms, the Moon, Mercury & Vulcan III: 3
Rajendran, Vijaykumar
- A New Theory of Complementary Pairs in Astrology XVII: 4
Ramesey, William
- Od Going to War XVII: 4
Relloz, Trebor
- The Cipher of Life X: 1
Reyer, Virginia
- Swopped Babies XVII: 1
- Ira Einhorn: the Psychedelic Unicorn of Death XVIII: 1
- Robert & Bonnie Le Blake XVIII: 3
- Thomas J. O’Brien, the Hit-&-Run Bishop XVIII: 4
- Terry Nichols XIX: 4
- Michael Jackson XX: 2
- Pope Benedict XVI XX: 3
- Tookie Williams XXI: 1
Richter, Alan
- Effect of Mercury-Neptune on Gold Prices I: 2
- 110-day Cycles in the Stock Market IV: 3
- Applying Astrology to Horse Racing XVI: 2
Riddle, T. Stan
- Moon opposite Pluto VIII: 1
- Pluto in Synastry VIII: 2
- Neptune & Uranus X: 1
- Retrogrades X: 4
- Retrogrades: Mercury & Venus XI: 1
- Retrogrades: Mars XI: 2
- Jupiter Retrograde XI: 3
- Saturn Retrograde XII: 1
- Uranus Retrograde XII: 3
- Neptune Retrograde XII: 4
- Pluto Retrograde XIII: 1`
- The Moon XIII: 2
- The Moon in Earth Signs XIII: 3
- The Moon in Fire Signs XIII: 4
- The Moon in Air Signs XIV: 1
Robinson, Paul
- Astrology as Consciousness XV: 1
Rodden, Lois M.
- Lottery Winners IX: 4
- Charles Harvey XV: 2
Ruperti, Alexander
- Dane Rudhyar: A Seed-man for the New Era III: 1
Russell, Bertrand
- On Astrology XX: 3
Saunders, Denis
- Some Little Used Aids for Interpretation IX: 4
- A Fatal Necessity in the Stars X: 3
- Pavane for a Dead Princess XIII: 1
- The Silent Predator XIV: 3
- The Way the Cookie Crumbles XV: 4
- The Austrian Train Disaster XVI: 1
- No Tears for a Tyrant XVI: 2
- President George W. Bush XVI: 4
- The Trial of the Century XVIII: 1
- By the Rivers of Babylon XVIII: 2
- Leigh Matthews: A Heinous Crime XIX: 4
- It’s a Miracle! XX: 1
Schwartz, Jacob
- The First Moscow Astrology Conference VI: 2
Scofield, Bruce
- Mesoamerican Astrology, part 1 III: 1
- Mesoamerican Astrology, part 2 III: 2
- Mesoamerican Astrology, part 3 III: 3
Sibly, Ebenezer
- Considerations on the Nativity of John Collons V: 2
- The Spring & Summer Ingresses of 1776 XIX: 4
Smith, Douglas W.
- The Last Puritan IV: 1
- Arnold Schoenberg & the Emancipation of the Dissonance IV: 2
- Fillets of Leviathan: on the Astrology of Capitalism V: 1
- The Uranus-Neptune Conjunction in the Affairs of Nations VIII: 2
- Mark Twain IX: 2
- Star Drops XIII: 1
- A Mirage that’s Actually Wet XIV: 4
- The Drowning Dragon XV: 2
- The Waters of Zamzam: Those of the Prophet’s Line XV: 3
- Harvest of Thorn XV: 4
- Intermezzo with Dirge & Gigue XVI: 1
- The Raptures of Chauncey Gardner XVI: 2
- Log Jam: Pluto Served Cold on a Cracker XVI: 3
- Twilight of the Fool: The Saga of Parsifal XVII: 2
- Friedrich Nietzsche XVII: 3
- Crypts of Vision: Where the Widows Work XVII: 4
- Party, State, Potentate: the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution XVIII: 1
- Communism in Indonesia XVIII: 2
- Surrealism in the Service of the Revolution XVIII: 4
Smith, Sylvia Jean
- Ronald Reagan & His Eclipses XIX: 3
Snow, Edward
- Testing Astro-Compatibility Software XVII: 4
Starkman, Isaac
- The Assassination of Yitzhak Rabin XI: 1
- Rectification Without Tears XIII: 2
- Precessed Solar Return Directions XIV: 3
- Thomas Jefferson XIV: 4
- The Presidential Elections of 2000 XV: 2
- Alexander Marr XV: 2
- The 2004 Presidential Elections XIX: 2
- Russia, Vladimir Putin & the Beslan Massacre XX: 1
Stein, Zane
- When Chiron Returns II: 2
Stuart, Edwin
- Conversations with the Dead XX: 2
Sugerman, Rosalind
- Saturn-Pluto Blues IX: 1
- 4th June 1993 IX: 2
- Lancelot & Guenever XII: 3
- Isould & Tristram XII: 4
- Smiling Buddha XIII: 3
- One World XVIII: 3
Sutherland, Nick
- Dates of Events in the Life of President Bill Clinton VIII: 2
- Dates of Events in the Life of President Richard Milhous Nixon IX: 3
- O. J. Simpson: Important Dates in his Life IX: 4
- Ronald Reagan’s Real Radix? IX: 4
- Investigating Group Symmetry with the 90° Dial X: 4
- Events in the Life of Yitzhak Rabin XI: 1
- The Astrology of Childbirth XI: 2
- Events in the Life of Robert Dole XI: 3 Election 2000 XVI: 1
- Birth Time Validation XIX: 2
- Bush Loses XIX: 3
Townley, John
- John Townley: His Chart II: 1
Tyl, Noel
- The 2nd Portion of Platinum, the Complement to Theory X: 1
Vetter, Richard
- Does Astrology Need the Stars? What the Ancient Thinking is all about. XIII: 4
- Astrology’s Paradigm XV: 4
Waardahl, Kristina
- Two Horaries XIV: 4
- The Tragedy of the Passenger Ferry Estonia XV: 4
- Can the Combust Moon Give a Positive Answer? XVI: 4
Wallis, John S.
- The USA’s Pre-Solar Eclipse I: 4
Weaver, Helen
- Charles Jayne: Tribute III: 2
Weidner, Sandra
- Sylvia Plath & Suicide V: 2
Weil, Eric J.
- The True Horoscope of Georges Bracque X: 3
- The Horary Composite Chart XVI: 1
- The Telephone Rang Five Times XXI: 1
Weisbrot, G.
- Nine Modern Parts III: 4
Westin, Leigh
- Retrograde Planets: Illusion & Fact XIII: 2
Whitaker, Anne
- Of Cerberus & Blackest Midnight Born XII: 4
- Scotland’s Horoscope XIV: 2
- Jupiter conjunct Uranus XIV: 4
- Erotic Bathing: Jupiter conjunct Uranus, part II XV: 1
- Jupiter conjunct Uranus: the Effect of the 1997 Conjunction XV: 2
- Mary Shelley: Frankenstein’s Creator XIX: 3
- Astrology: A Healing & wounding Art XX: 4
Willner, John
- Call for a Standard VIII: 1
- On the Importance of Declinations VIII: 2
- Northridge Earthquake IX: 2
- Apple Computer XI: 2
- Election Day for Two Presidential Candidates XI: 4
- Theodore John Kaczynski XII: 1
Wintle, Prier
- Uranus in Sagittarius III: 4
- The God of Underworld in His Own Sign IV: 2
- The Lesser Malefic V: 1
- The Greater Malefic V:3, XIX:2
- Hephaestos VIII: 3
- My Astrological Twin VIII: 4
- The 1989 San Francisco Earthquake IX: 1
- An Impossible Horoscope for Carl Jung IX: 2
- A Child of the Twelfth IX: 3
- That Trans-Neptunian Planet X: 2
- The Quest for the True Horoscope of President Reagan X: 3
- Neptune X: 4
- Neptune, part two XI: 1
- Neptune, part three XI: 2 The Lesser Benefic XI: 3
- Valerie Vaughan’s Persephone is Trans-Pluto XI: 4
- The Moon XII: 1
- The Planets & the Chakras XII: 2
- Mercury XII: 3
- Mercury, part 2 XII: 4
- Mercury & the Winds XIII: 1
- Why Did She Die? XIII: 1
- Jupiter XIII: 3
- The Dark Side of Jupiter XVI: 1
- The Dark Side of Jupiter, part 2 XVI: 2
- Jim, the Four-Legged Man XVI: 3
- The Return of the Dog XVI: 4
- 911 XVII: 2
- Down but Not Out in Cape Town XVII: 3
- The Uranus Menace XVIII: 3
- Five Jugglers XVIII: 4
- Uranus Treading on Your Toes XIX: 1
- David Hyland: A Life in Solar Returns XIX: 3
- The Sun XXI: 1
Wright, Paul
- Two Adventurers VI: 1
Zinoni, Constantine
- Three Horaries XIV: 4
- Will Our Friend’s Bother Have a Safe Journey? XV: 1
- Will Mr. C. be Re-elected? XV: 3
- The Saga of the Battleship Bismarck XVII: 1
Zizis, Michael
- Random Notes on Uranus & Neptune XIX: 1
Zoller, Robert
- Medieval & Renaissance Astrology & Medicine VIII: 1
- Bonatti’s Teaching on Primary Directions VIII: 4
- Guido Bonatti on the Use of the Triplicity Rulers IX: 2
- Astrology in America prior to 1870 IX: 3
- Valentine Weigel & the Problem of Astral Influence XI: 3
Muchas gracias señor Jose luis, IMPORTANTISIMO su aporte .
Muchas gracias señor Jose luis, IMPORTANTISIMO su aporte .
© 2025 Creado por Jose Luis Carrion Bolumar.
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